Mark-Jan Nederhof
Dr. Nederhof earned his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Nijmegen
(The Netherlands) in 1994. He has worked as postdoc at the University of
Groningen (The Netherlands), as senior researcher at DFKI, Saarbrücken
(Germany), as consultant at AT&T Shannon Laboratory (USA), and as senior
researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen. Since
2006 he is lecturer at the University of St Andrews (UK). He divides his
interests between, and sometimes combines together his interests in, such
diverse topics as formal language theory, algorithms, syntactic processing of
natural languages, OCR, and encoding and computer processing of Ancient
Egyptian. He recently developed a framework to build web pages detailing the
textual analysis of Ancient Egyptian stelae. He is also one of the authors of
the latest proposal to encode Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts in Unicode.